








  Admiral Farragut Academy Tianjin is the flagship school of AFA in China. It aims to develop students to enter world-class universities and is the only international school in Heping district.

  2013年7月至2016年8月, 美國法拉古特學(xué)校,即法拉古特天津校區正式成立。2016年9月,學(xué)校遷址至和平區大沽北路與煙臺道交口煙臺道3號(原英租界具有百年歷史的美國兵營(yíng))。

  From July 2013 to August 2016, Admiral Farragut Academy and Yaohua High School cooperate in running schools. Admiral Farragut Academy Tianjin was formally established in 2013. Since September 2016, the school has been located at No 3 Yantai Road, This building once served as an American barracks with a long history.

  辦學(xué)多年來(lái),學(xué)校以“培養具有中國底蘊的國際化領(lǐng)袖人才”為愿景,以“誠實(shí)、堅韌、自律、創(chuàng )新”為校訓,以“旨在快樂(lè )的學(xué)習氛圍中培養學(xué)生優(yōu)秀的領(lǐng)導力和品格,通過(guò)激發(fā)好奇心、塑造行為習慣、鼓勵創(chuàng )造創(chuàng )新、擁抱中華與世界文化和參與社會(huì )服務(wù)來(lái)促進(jìn)學(xué)生的學(xué)術(shù)和身心成長(cháng)”為辦學(xué)使命,多次榮獲“美國硅谷東區聯(lián)合高中區友好學(xué)校、美國國際教育發(fā)展協(xié)會(huì )會(huì )員學(xué)校、天津教育十大魅力學(xué)?!钡葮s譽(yù)稱(chēng)號。

  The school motto is integrity、perseverance、self-Discipline、innovation. The school aims to provide a positivelearning environmentto cultivate students with outstanding leadership and character, by stimulating students’ curiosity, to shape student behavior, encourage students to innovative, embrace Chinese culture and participate in social service to enhance not only their academic skills,but also their physical and mental health. It has been awarded the honorary title of “united high school district friendly school in east district of Silicon Valley, member school of American association for international education development, top ten charming schools in Tianjin”

  學(xué)校開(kāi)設“三年制高中班”,為就讀學(xué)生注冊美國法拉古特學(xué)校學(xué)籍,所修讀課程及學(xué)分均被美國學(xué)校認可,達到畢業(yè)要求者授予世界承認的美國中學(xué)畢業(yè)證。學(xué)校引進(jìn)美國原版教材,同步美國中學(xué)課程,涵蓋語(yǔ)言、數學(xué)、自然科學(xué)、社會(huì )科學(xué)、藝術(shù)體育及興趣選修類(lèi)課程6大類(lèi)別,順利接軌美國高中與世界一流大學(xué)。

  The school offers a “five-year consistent experimental classes” track and “three-year high school classes” track. It also offers students to register to Admiral Farragut Academy. Our courses and awarded credits are recognized by American schools. Those who meet the graduation requirements are awarded a globally recognized American high school diploma. The school introduced the original American textbooks to harmonize the American secondary school curriculum, covering six major categories of language, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, art, sports and interest elective courses, perfectly bridging American high schools to world-class universities.


  The Admiral Farragut Academy Tianjin counselor team has many years of experience in applying to top-ranking universities worldwide. This school has long-term exchanges and co-operates with the US Embassy in China, the admissions officers of universities in various countries and has an accurate grasp of the trend of studying abroad. The school provides students with a series of lectures, such as study abroad planning, career guidance, university admission guidance, and personalized student consultation to help students plan their exams appropriately. Exploring students’ uniqueness, interests, choosing targeted courses and participating in social practice projects, allows students to create a distinctive and competitive application in all regards.


  AFA Tianjin also hosts and organizes manynational and international competitions and activities. Such as SPBCN、Waterloo mathematics competition、Australian Mathematics Competition、China Daily 21st century English speech contest、American-style Debates、DECA and National Economic Competition.

  在法拉古特天津校區,學(xué)生學(xué)術(shù)能力的優(yōu)秀是學(xué)校不懈的追求。學(xué)校同樣重視對孩子們進(jìn)行文學(xué)與藝術(shù)的教育、科學(xué)和人文精神的培養,重視生活技能的提高,以及強健體魄的錘煉。學(xué)校旨在快樂(lè )的學(xué)習氛圍中培養學(xué)生優(yōu)秀的領(lǐng)導力和品格,通過(guò)激發(fā)學(xué)生好奇心,塑造學(xué)生行為習慣,鼓勵學(xué)生創(chuàng )造創(chuàng )新、擁抱中華與世界文化和參與社會(huì )服務(wù)來(lái)促進(jìn)其學(xué)術(shù)能力的提升以及身心健康的發(fā)展,從而培養具有中國底蘊的國際化領(lǐng)袖人才。

  In the Admiral Farragut Academy Tianjin, the academic excellence of students is the school’s unremitting pursuit. The school also attaches great importance to the education of literature and art, the cultivation of scientific and humanistic spirit, the improvement of life skills, and the tempering of physical strength. School aims to provide a positive learning environment to cultivate students with outstanding leadership and character, by stimulating students’ curiosity, to shape student behavior, encourage students to innovative, embrace the Chinese culture and participate in social service to enhance not only their academic skills, but also physical and mental health, to cultivate talents with the internationalization of Chinese background leader.


  AFA TJ has a team of young, enthusiastic and high-quality teachers . The ratio of teachers to students is about 1:3, and 50% of the core curriculum is taught by foreign teachers. At present, the school has 75 staff members, including 9 foreign teachers. The foreign teacher team is outstanding, they have teaching experience in international schools as well as rich experience in the field of international education.


  All the teachers in the school not only devote themselves to the daily teaching work, but also take an active part in the club activities of students, care and guidance of students in their study and life. It is such an outstanding teacher team.


  Since the school was founded, we have already had 4 years of graduates. They were all accepted into the top 100 universities in the United States. Forty-seven students from the class of 2018 received a total of 214 offers, including 6 offers from the top 5 majors in America. 47 students won a total of $1033,700 in scholarships, accounting for 55.3% of the total number of students who won scholarships. One student won a total of $170,000 in scholarships.

  面向全國,法拉古特天津校區為有志于出國留學(xué)深造,且英文成績(jì)突出的初高中學(xué)生開(kāi)設。學(xué)校以培養學(xué)生的綜合素質(zhì)、國際化視野和領(lǐng)導力為主旨,秉承因材施教的理念,讓每一位畢業(yè)生獲得就讀美國、英國、加拿大、澳大利亞等國家一流大學(xué)的求學(xué)機會(huì )。

  The school accepts students with outstanding English skills who aim to study abroad. Our mission is to cultivate students’ overall quality, global perspective and leadership skills. The graduate gets a chance to study in the excellent universities of United States, Britain, Canada, and other anglophonenations. Almost 100% of past graduates study at world-famous universities.

  法拉古特天津校區秉承不斷創(chuàng )新和與時(shí)俱進(jìn)的精神,力求讓每一位孩子擁有寬廣的視野、接受多元的文化、鍛煉獨立的能力,已成為萬(wàn)千家庭心目中最受信賴(lài)的國際學(xué)校高端品牌,并獲得“中國國際學(xué)校數字品牌百強榜學(xué)?!睒s譽(yù)稱(chēng)號。

  Admiral Farragut Academy Tianjin holds the spirit of continuous innovation, we strive to let every child have a broad field of vision, accept diverse culture, foster independence, and is one of the most trusted high-end brands among international schools. As evidenced by our “China international school digital brand top 100 schools” honorary title.


  While helping students achieve academic success, the school also guides them to establish wholesomevalues, andmake their parent proud. Choose AFA TJ to achieve your child’s bright future of studying abroad!



